Brave Girls成員今年重組「BBGIRLS」並在本月初回歸,而前公司勇敢娛樂(Brave Entertainment)緊接著發行精選輯,勇敢娛樂作為引發BBGIRLS粉絲反彈。
Brave Girls 2021年因〈Rollin'〉一曲爆紅創造逆行神話,後來回歸的歌曲〈Chi Mat Ba Ram〉、〈酒後習慣〉(酒癖)等歌曲也取得非常好的成績,不過今年上半年四名成員玟瑩、侑廷、恩智與裕那和勇敢娛樂合約到期不續約,很快就與韓國華納音樂簽約,更名「BBGIRLS」。(圖源:Twitter@weare_bbgirls截圖)
BBGIRLS本月3日甫發行單曲專輯《One More Time》,由於銷量不如過往才引發熱論,沒想到前公司勇敢娛樂25日就要發行Brave Girls精選輯《BRAVE GIRLS BEST ALBUM》,將Brave Girls幾首名曲重新混音、編成新版本發行,包括〈High Heel〉、〈Rollin'〉、〈Chi Mat Ba Ram〉等等。(圖源:YouTube@bravegirls2017截圖)
勇敢娛樂此舉引發BBGIRLS粉絲反彈,認為勇敢娛樂只是想撈錢,並呼籲粉絲勿購買此專輯,也有網友諷刺「好久沒看到光洙做的事了」,指勇敢娛樂代表勇敢兄弟與現任POCKETDOL STUDIO金光洙會長沒兩樣,因為金光洙曾打造知名男團Turbo,結束合約十幾年後的2015年突然發行了Turbo精選輯《Turbo - Reboot : The Best》,成員金鍾國當時還聲明該專輯未經過任何成員同意,譴責前公司利用《無限挑戰》帶來的Turbo回憶熱潮賺錢。
it's official, brave entertainment is now selling jewel case version of the "brave girls best album"...please do not purchase this album, it's just a cash grab
— (@mymoodistwice) August 21, 2023
(pictures is from ktown4u website, translated using google)#BBGIRLS #OneMoreTimeWithBBGIRLS #ONEMORETIME #BraveGirls pic.twitter.com/TT6hkpUnxO
‼️This is a terrible attempt of Brave Entertainment to make their last coins off of BBGirls who have already left the company and started new with their Single "One More Time"‼️
— (@woojinyj) August 21, 2023
This so called Best Album includes (bad) remixes of old Brave Girls songs. Instead of that buy OMT https://t.co/IiNkey0JGw
不過,也有粉絲認為Brave Girls的音樂版權都在勇敢娛樂手上,公司要如何運用無法干涉,況且收錄的音樂演唱者不是只有玟瑩、侑廷、恩智與裕那,還有Brave Girls初代成員們,有粉絲反倒對於再次聽見初代成員的聲音相當欣慰,或讚嘆勇敢娛樂在音樂製作上很有水準。
This so-called Brave Girls Best album with so-called New.ver songs are originally released songs with original members but remixed arrange.. Rollin' with 5 members'voices. High Heels and Yoo hoo with 7 members'voices. Nowadays you,Easily,Do you know are 1.0 members'voices pic.twitter.com/znkPQpVHLD
— BBGirls China Fanclub (Since 2011 ) (@BBGirls_China) August 20, 2023
勇敢娛樂相關社群並未宣傳任何《BRAVE GIRLS BEST ALBUM》相關消息,倒是各唱片通路將該專輯上架並預告25日發行才引發討論,目前串流平台如YouTube、Melon已能聽見完整專輯音樂。
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