韓國最受矚目的年度音樂頒獎禮MAMA AWARDS近日開放全球粉絲投票,但有網友發現部份候選團的票數上升曲線十分異常,懷疑有人使用機器人作弊。
MAMA上月24日就「Worldwide Fan's Choice」獎項開啟全球投票,近日韓網多個貼子指出投票結果有問題:有幾組藝人的票數曲線從10月30日開始突然上升、趨勢高度重合,而且是在通常很少人投票的淩晨時段爆發,還出現不同組藝人票數與增幅完全一致的詭異現象。 黑色的MAMAMOO曲線是用來作對照的正常狀況:
mys and midzys need to work together to call out mama because how is it possible that aespa and itzy have exactly the same amount of votes multiple times. both of their votes had also decreased whereas other groups who weren’t even in top20 are getting 10k+ votes in one hour pic.twitter.com/vUrH19hAeJ
— mar (@yujimjn) November 2, 2022
For everyone who was suffered from this you need to know that we were working everyday damn hard manually and then there were some people just using bot to surpass u all pic.twitter.com/icdwGCHjnO
— lazy_sowhat (@lazysowhat) November 3, 2022
此外,2022 MAMA AWARDS將於11月29日和30日在日本大阪京瓷巨蛋舉行。
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