我也不小心被 Sana 給撩到了~。(害羞) 下次兩人吃飯一定要合照啊 !!!
人氣女團 TWICE 近期以新歌〈Talk that Talk〉回歸,成員上 Wendy(Red Velvet)的電台節目《Wendy的Young Street》宣傳,開場不到一分鐘 Sana 就向 Wendy 熱情告白,讓她開心到想哭~引發網友熱烈討論。
Wendy: 等一下,直播中我可以哭嗎?整個被感動了,這是真的嗎?
sana: when we’re abt to hav our comeback we had a meeting on where we’d like to go, i raised my hand and said i wanted to go to wendy unnie’s radio! totally, i’m here not bcos of promotions but bcos i miss/want to see unnie
— waterbearies (@thebluebearies) August 31, 2022
its fun happy atmosphere!pic.twitter.com/KAWgC2jYGv
(anything to say to each other or the company)
— waterbearies (@thebluebearies) August 31, 2022
S: not to each other or to the company, unnie you are so pretty~
W: during ads, sana’s looking at me with such a lovely adorable gaze. my heart is fluttering (simkong). please be careful.
so sweet and cutepic.twitter.com/EsVG0cwtmn
之後節目上,Sana 說最近喜歡吃Canele(可麗露/卡納蕾)後,Wendy 說自己知道這款甜點的名店,Sana 馬上回說:「姐姐,要一起去嗎?」真的是太會啦!
而在這之後,Sana 就收到了 Wendy 送來的可麗露,兩人的互動也太甜了吧~。(圖源:IG@m.by__sana)
大家是不是也被 Sana 撩到了呢?期待兩人後續有更多的故事。
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